Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The most wonderful and annoying things about dog ownership!

Thinking about getting your self a puppy or maybe a full grown dog in need of a home? Never had a dog before? Here is my list of the pros and cons of dog ownership!

Owning a dog or puppy is a lot like taking care of a drunk toddler you never know what they are going to do and you have to watch them almost constantly but on the other hand they are loving and affectionate and when raised right have the possibility to be the sweetest creature you will ever have!


  • They need constant attention. Especially puppies!
The movie UP best described a dogs attention span with the famous seen where the golden retriever Doug is talking then suddenly gets distracted by a squirrel but in most dogs cases or puppies it can be as simple at some lint blowing through the air or god forbid a person walking outside of your house. Let the chaos ensue!
  • They will chew up your most prized prepossessions plus the couch.
I have lost sooooo many things to my dogs a hand made stuffed bunny, socks a leg to a chair photographs my lease bills and the list could go on for days if your not watching them your gonna loose stuff!
  • They pee and poop where they please at first.
This is a hard thing to deal with for some people I still have a hard time with it but if your not diligent about taking them out your gonna have pee and poop on your floor. Heck sometimes even if your are taking them out regularly they have accidents it happens just have your cleaning stuff on hand.
  • Puppies need to be taken out ever few hours even at night.
Like I said they go a lot! Little bladders can wait. I would cry getting up at night to take out my first dog. Then she would sniff around as the minutes ticked by and sometimes she would not even go!  More tears would ensue.
  • Picking up poop.
When she did go though oh boy picking up that poop was not pleasant and all between you and smelly warm stuff is a thin peace of plastic. It enough to make anyone wash their hands twice!
  • Vet bills.
This is an inevitable when you have a dog you have shots that they need to have regularly plus flea meds and deworming and if something happens to them or they get sick. Your looking at thousands over your dogs life time!
  • Dog hair gets everywhere! 
Got a white dog? Well your not going goth anytime soon. Dogs shed some breeds more than other but all dogs shed even the poodle will leave hair around your house. Never mind a husky or akita youll have a fur coat of your own soon!

  • Unconditional love.
Dogs will love you to heaven and back no matter what. Weather your a bad person or a good person. No matter the color of your skin or your gender or even your sexuality. Your dog will love you because your you!
  • Playtime any time! 
This is more true with puppies rather than older dogs but all dogs love to play and play and play. They fantastic time killers!  And you'll enjoy every moment of it!
  • Fluffy bed warmer! 
Whether you let them up or not you will occasionally find your bed mysteriously warm sometimes dont be mad at them they where just making sure you dont catch a chill!
  • You and teach them tricks! 
Dogs are the easiest animal to train in my humble option! They love to please and this makes them very quick to learning even the stubborn ones can be softened up for training with the use of some treats!
  • Totally a chick magnet especially puppies! 
Actually puppies are a people magnet in general I have had a big bike dude come up to me all shy and ask if he could pet my puppy but if you want to make new friends take your puppy for a walk!
  • Darn cute! 
Want something that will get a lot of likes on all your social media and keep you going aww all day long. Your pupper can do that for you!
Nuff said.
  • They keep you healthy! 
Dont have the motivation to get out an exercise. Your dog will give you that motivation! Walks several times a day for between ten to thirty minutes a day. Not to mention many studies have said that dogs reduces your stress, lower high blood pressure, and keep away depression in some cases. Its a wonder why they are mans best friend!
  • Come in many different styles and breeds! 
Are you having trouble choosing your new best friend, its no wonder with all the options out their between all the purebreds and the lovable mutts its going to be harder than you think but one things for sure your local shelter is bursting with new friends waiting to meet you including your new best friend! 

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