Monday, November 19, 2018

Another Puppy update

So its been a while since the last puppy update with me being in the hospital and all. Ive got to tell you a lot has happened! They have nearly doubled in size and they have no problem walking now! They can see and track with their eyes and they come when you hand is making gestures. I guess it appealing the gestures or it get their prey drive going. They are now play fighting with each other I have youtube videos up of that. They are eating mush and enjoying it quite a bit. Maja is actively trying to escape them and is finding refuge from them in the crate in my room with monster joining her, and the puppies try to play every chance they get. They are now responding to sounds and actively listening and finally they are now escaping the whelping box or at least vanilla is! She was the first and so far the only puppy to escape the whelping box. Well that is the update on the puppy follow the blog for more puppy updates!

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