Monday, October 30, 2017

Pumpkin carving!

So I was invited by a coworker of mine to her annual pumpkin carving contest. One person did an epic moon and stars they came in first but since they didn't want a prize that didn't count. Then my other friend made a charming crooked smile pumpkin they came in second (or first) she won some epic Halloween plates. I carved a kitty pumpkin with the word Meow on the back so it came in third (or second) I won a pretty orange candle with a candle holder (I love candles so this was awesome) and what came in last was the classic looking pumpkin. I had a wonderful time getting in touch with my inner child and carving pumpkins again like I did when I was a child.
If your interested in seeing the pictures check out my deviant art

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cat toys I would buy when I have the money! (With links included)

Here is a list of cat toys that are on amazon That I have saved to monsters list to buy and the reason why I want to buy them!
Monster has an amazing ability to destroy anything I buy her (and some stuff I didn’t buy her) so my hope with the Kong toy is that it’s legendary durability will hold up to monster’s razor claws and last longer than a week. Of course, she might just hide it like everything else.
2  Cat Scratching Post with Hanging Butterfly Toy 
Monster love love loved, her scratching post that I had when I lived in Texas with her and Spitz since moving to Michigan there are two things I noticed she seems to miss. Her best friend Spitz and her scratching post so I can remedy one of those things by getting her another scratching post.
3 F’in feather wands.
Monster adores feather chewing them, biting them, ripping them apart. I five pack probably won’t last long but at least it’s not expensive and hey if she likes it that’s all that matters.
So this was only a small portion of the cat toys and other cat stuff I have on the list if you want to view the full list check out the link down below and have a great day thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Best wet cat food on a budget.

So this will be my reviews for wet cat food earlier in the blog I did a review of dry cat food and now this will be for wet cat food. Now as with last time keep in mind that this is all based off of two picky cats diets and price and not anything else so if you have the time go out and buy one can of these cat foods like I did to test with your cat for the best results. Now with most cats I would recommend a mix of a wet food and dry food diet based off of what my vet recommend and my own research but every cat is different do your research and talk with you vet before any major dietary changes. Okay now on to the review!

 Purina Fancy Feast Medleys Florentine Collection Cat Food 18-3 oz. Cans available at Walmart for 13.44. Spitz being the ever wonderful kitten that she is was a huge fan of this canned cat food keep in mind that Spitz liked the actual food and not just the gravy like Monster. Spitz ate this stuff like crazy while Monster just picked at it. The cans were really small good for one cat but then the pack doesn't go as far so you end up spending more with this one that's why it's at the bottom of the list.

 Meow Mix Market Select Seafood Wet Cat Food Variety Pack, 12 ct available at Walmart for 5.79 now Monster seemed to really like this one plenty of chunks and gravy  but (TMI warning) it seemed to give both cats very bad gas and very smelly poops more so than normal. So this one is not the one I use regularly.

 Purina Friskies Poultry Variety Pack Cat Food 32-5.5 oz. Cans available at Walmart for 14.72 both Monster and Spitz seem to love Purina it's not their all time favorite but on a budget it's close enough. This seems to be gentler on their stomach than the other two and comes in a large pack with lots of cans. So over all its a win win!

Thank you for reading tell me down below what are your favorite brands of cat food?

Monday, October 9, 2017

How to tell if you cat is slow

11.       She runs into various non moving objects.
22.       She runs into walls.
33.       She goes to play with a toy and has a delayed reaction or just flops around.
44.       She sticks her whole muzzle into the water to drink.
55.       She drips food as she eats!
66.       Misses her jumps most of the time.
77.       Cant follow basic commands (This might also just be her being a cat).
88.       Eats non edible object then vomits.
99.       Sits like a man, A HUMAN! DUN DUN DUUUUN!
110.   Stares blankly at you with a slightly glazed look!
Now all this might just be part of the odd cat that is Monster, but I love her loads anyways. Tell me about some of the strange things you cats do! Have a great day!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Best Cat Food On A Budget

Now I will be doing separate reviews for dried cat food and wet cat food and this one is just for dried cat food. Now no bag reviewed was over 15 dollars a bag for the small to medium bag. Also all this is based off of two cats preferences that they preferred so keep in mind it might be different for your cat! Also I am not sponsored by any of these cat foods!  
First up on the bottom of the list is Hill’s Science Diet Indoor Adult cat food. Now Spitz my kitten didn’t seem to mind this food very much but Monster refused to eat it no matter what kind I bought Monster wanted nothing to do with this food and it was the most expensive at 13.99 for a 3.5 pound bag! So this makes the bottom of the list, for all health reasons I think this is a great cat food if you can get your cat to eat it in the first place!
Next on our list is Meow Mix Original Choice Dry cat food. At 11.88, at Walmart, for a 16 pound bag it was the most cost efficient cat food we tried with two piggy cats this bag lasted a good two months and a little into the third month. I did have a problem however with the dye in the food making Monster a bit sick so if you have a food sensitive cat like I do then this is not the best choice for you, even with her allergies to it she seemed to love the food in general and Spitz who had no dye allergies also loved the food. They tore the bag open when I went out one day to get into the food it was funny. Not so funny to clean up. So overall good food for the cost not good as far as the dyes go!
Finally making the top of our list is the food I buy regularly to feed to Monster currently Purina Cat Chow Gentle 13 pound bag for 12.78 at Walmart. This is a great food I fed it to Monster when I first got her and I was living with my Grandmother. My Grandmother had two other cats who were food sensitive and couldn’t eat a lot of food so before finding this food we had to feed all three of them in separate rooms with separate foods and it was really expensive and time consuming. This food has no dyes, artificial flavors and is great on a budget now Monster didn’t seem to like it as much as her favorite brand (Blue Buffalo) but she eats it and doesn’t complain! Did I also mention its 13 dollars for a 13 pound bag? You really cant beat that! That’s why this is the cat food I currently use since I am on such a tight budget.

Tell me what kind of cat food do you guys use, what is your favorite, what is your least favorite? Thanks for reading! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

First post

Okay first post better make this good no pressure right?
Dear readers!
 I am Motley of the MonsterMotley duo. Since Monster is a cat and cant type I run everything that requires minimum level of cuteness including the youtube Instagram deviantart and now, the blogger! On this blog you will find stories of mine and Monsters every day like reviews of things we want to review, mostly cat stuff, and stories that I write. I will try to post every few days but keep in mind this right now as of 10/07/2017 is not my day job it is merely a hobby and my real day job, photography, takes up much of my time and energy so I will as of this day make no promises as to when or how often I will post! So with that said strap in and hold on tight and get read for the ride because you have found MOTLEYS BLOG!


Does anyone else do this?

My roommate has been trying to impress on me not to play the shoulda, woulda, coulda game. For those of you that dont know what that is basi...