Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The most wonderful and annoying things about dog ownership!

Thinking about getting your self a puppy or maybe a full grown dog in need of a home? Never had a dog before? Here is my list of the pros and cons of dog ownership!

Owning a dog or puppy is a lot like taking care of a drunk toddler you never know what they are going to do and you have to watch them almost constantly but on the other hand they are loving and affectionate and when raised right have the possibility to be the sweetest creature you will ever have!


  • They need constant attention. Especially puppies!
The movie UP best described a dogs attention span with the famous seen where the golden retriever Doug is talking then suddenly gets distracted by a squirrel but in most dogs cases or puppies it can be as simple at some lint blowing through the air or god forbid a person walking outside of your house. Let the chaos ensue!
  • They will chew up your most prized prepossessions plus the couch.
I have lost sooooo many things to my dogs a hand made stuffed bunny, socks a leg to a chair photographs my lease bills and the list could go on for days if your not watching them your gonna loose stuff!
  • They pee and poop where they please at first.
This is a hard thing to deal with for some people I still have a hard time with it but if your not diligent about taking them out your gonna have pee and poop on your floor. Heck sometimes even if your are taking them out regularly they have accidents it happens just have your cleaning stuff on hand.
  • Puppies need to be taken out ever few hours even at night.
Like I said they go a lot! Little bladders can wait. I would cry getting up at night to take out my first dog. Then she would sniff around as the minutes ticked by and sometimes she would not even go!  More tears would ensue.
  • Picking up poop.
When she did go though oh boy picking up that poop was not pleasant and all between you and smelly warm stuff is a thin peace of plastic. It enough to make anyone wash their hands twice!
  • Vet bills.
This is an inevitable when you have a dog you have shots that they need to have regularly plus flea meds and deworming and if something happens to them or they get sick. Your looking at thousands over your dogs life time!
  • Dog hair gets everywhere! 
Got a white dog? Well your not going goth anytime soon. Dogs shed some breeds more than other but all dogs shed even the poodle will leave hair around your house. Never mind a husky or akita youll have a fur coat of your own soon!

  • Unconditional love.
Dogs will love you to heaven and back no matter what. Weather your a bad person or a good person. No matter the color of your skin or your gender or even your sexuality. Your dog will love you because your you!
  • Playtime any time! 
This is more true with puppies rather than older dogs but all dogs love to play and play and play. They fantastic time killers!  And you'll enjoy every moment of it!
  • Fluffy bed warmer! 
Whether you let them up or not you will occasionally find your bed mysteriously warm sometimes dont be mad at them they where just making sure you dont catch a chill!
  • You and teach them tricks! 
Dogs are the easiest animal to train in my humble option! They love to please and this makes them very quick to learning even the stubborn ones can be softened up for training with the use of some treats!
  • Totally a chick magnet especially puppies! 
Actually puppies are a people magnet in general I have had a big bike dude come up to me all shy and ask if he could pet my puppy but if you want to make new friends take your puppy for a walk!
  • Darn cute! 
Want something that will get a lot of likes on all your social media and keep you going aww all day long. Your pupper can do that for you!
Nuff said.
  • They keep you healthy! 
Dont have the motivation to get out an exercise. Your dog will give you that motivation! Walks several times a day for between ten to thirty minutes a day. Not to mention many studies have said that dogs reduces your stress, lower high blood pressure, and keep away depression in some cases. Its a wonder why they are mans best friend!
  • Come in many different styles and breeds! 
Are you having trouble choosing your new best friend, its no wonder with all the options out their between all the purebreds and the lovable mutts its going to be harder than you think but one things for sure your local shelter is bursting with new friends waiting to meet you including your new best friend! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Vanillas photoshoot!

So our favorite little girl Vanilla had her self a day of modeling for her new mummy. She got to get out of the pen and everything and the pets are just the bomb! I thought I would share the photos from the shoot with all of you since they turned out so cute!

Even Monster got in on some photos!
Vanilla says modeling is hard work I'll stick to playing and napping!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Puppies 5 week update!

The beans turned five weeks on Saturday! They are eating so much mush now they only nurse three to four times a day which seems to be a huge relief for Maja and a huge stresser at the same time. She really want them to nurse so she can eat their mush but we noticed if we dont give them much mush or mush at all Maja will get in the whelping box and regurgitate some food that she has eaten for them and they seem to like this quite a bit I on the other hand am thoroughly disgusted by this but hey though she is taking care of her babies what more can we ask for!
They have started licking us and various other objects that we dont think they should be licking (Like the box) They are biting quite a bit as well they are really seeming to get the hang of being a dog meaning licking or biting everything!
They also seem to be following things now most hands if you put you hand in or near the box where they can see it they eagerly follow it and try to lick or bite.
They all have a full set of puppy teeth now that hurt quite a bit when they bite you with them!
Lastly they seem to be playing a lot more they started playing around the four week mark (I dont know if I said that in the update for four weeks). They will now rough house with each other to the point where one will yelp from getting bit to hard or they will puppy pile on one and we have to break it up so that no one is picked on to much. Coco seems to be quite the bully though so if they pile on her we call it her just dos and let it happen because she is such a meany.
As can be seen below Maja is not to happy with the development of teeth

Friday, November 23, 2018

My fears

So like any person in the world I have fears but unlike the generation before my fears are more akin to their parents generation and not theirs. I worry whether college is worth a life time of debt. I worry if I will be able to find work once I am out of college and whether that work will be enough to support me and my debt. I dont worry about my dreams because they seem so unrealistic that I know I will never be able to achieve them even the simple one of own a house on 2+ acres of land. I struggle with the realization that I might never be able to afford a place to live on my own without help of roommates or my family. All this in an economy that is supposedly doing great. I struggle with it even more because I am disabled and while I want to work and am willing to work sometimes my body and brain will not allow me the luxury of a full work day. Maybe my fears are unfounded but they are my fears and to me they feel very real.

Also one more thing I fear is black Friday like a lot I refused to work on black Friday I dont leave the house not even for toilet paper the only car accident I have been in was on black Friday

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for this holiday for me its my family and pets. Sorry I wont be posting a regular post today! Tell me what your thankful for in the comments and I will read them and maybe comment back! Here is a special turkey on this special holiday!
Credit to reddit user u/jono202

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Puppy Must Haves!

So every time I get a dog especially a puppy I get roughly the same things for the puppies so I thought I would share my list with you guys. If I left anything off or you get anything different for your list please feel free to share. Now these are in no particular order so don't mind the numbering.

1. Chew toys / teething toys. I think any puppy parent will agree that chew toys are an essential part of owning a puppy.

2. Puppy pads / Pee pads. I dont often approve of puppy pads simply because I feel it teaches the dog that its okay to go inside as long as its in this one spot, but ever since Maja had the puppys we have been using the puppy pads to save the floor because she cannot seem to hold her bladder over night and does not wake us up to go out.
3. Wet puppy food. Now our puppys are not quite old enough to grasp the concept of food yet other than the milk that Maja gives them but in a little less than a week they will start on the wondrous adventure that is food and the first food they will be getting is wet dog food! 
4. Training treats. Now I start my dogs early on training normally from the moment we get them but I am guess I will start the puppies on training when they turn about 5 weeks old this seems like a good age to try and harness that energy weather it will work is another matter entirely but you can be darn sure that I will have my handy dandy training treats at my side. 
5. Collars and leashes. This seems like a no brainer but I felt obligated to put it on here because it is a must have. I mean your puppys not going to follow everywhere right off the bat so you need a collar and a leash. 
6. Bowls. Another no brainer but you would be surprised at how many people feed their dog off of a plate. I was told very early on that this is a big no no because it teaches the puppy that its okay to take food off of a plate, ANY plate so I highly recommend having a bowl for the puppy to have all to themselves. 
Well thank you so much for reading those are my must haves for bringing home a new puppy or dog of any kind! 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Another Puppy update

So its been a while since the last puppy update with me being in the hospital and all. Ive got to tell you a lot has happened! They have nearly doubled in size and they have no problem walking now! They can see and track with their eyes and they come when you hand is making gestures. I guess it appealing the gestures or it get their prey drive going. They are now play fighting with each other I have youtube videos up of that. They are eating mush and enjoying it quite a bit. Maja is actively trying to escape them and is finding refuge from them in the crate in my room with monster joining her, and the puppies try to play every chance they get. They are now responding to sounds and actively listening and finally they are now escaping the whelping box or at least vanilla is! She was the first and so far the only puppy to escape the whelping box. Well that is the update on the puppy follow the blog for more puppy updates!

Friday, November 16, 2018

A post about Monster!

As many of you know I have a cat named Monster. Some of you may not know that Monster is the reason so much of my social media has the name it has, MonsterMotley or MonstersMotleyCrew, now I am going to tell you a little bit about Monsters story.
I got Monster when she was about 5 or 6 weeks old. My neighbor came to me saying she had something in the rafters of her garage and asked me to trap whatever it was. I took a flashlight and her live trap over to her house and climed a latter to look around in her garage. I couldn't see anything but I could defiantly hear something scrambling around up there. So I took the most pungent food I could find, wet tuna cat food, set it in a live trap and put it up in the rafters and left it over night. I came back the next day fully expecting to find a baby possum or raccoon in the trap and instead I think I had caught a large grey rat. Alas it was not a grey rat but the rattiest ugliest kitten I have ever seen in my life. She was bone thin covered in dirt and poop and god knows what else her lamp like green eyes where almost sticking out of her head and she was just the saddest sight I ever laid eyes on.
The woman a good friend of mine felt sorry for the kitten and being an avid cat lover and rescuer as well said she would take the kitten. That could have been where the story ended me and monster parting ways and only seeing her when I come over to visit if not for the fact that my friend had two other cats who did not like Monster one bit. The next day I get a knock on the door and its my friend telling me she cant keep the kitten that her cats are bullying it and it wont come out from behind the washer and dryer. I had another friend over at the time who said he would help me come get the little kitten so we walk over with a can of wet food and a bowl of milk to try and lure the kitten out from behind the washer and dryer. That was a task in it of its self which after a failed attempt to lure the kitten out with food my friend ended up dangling me by my ankles behind the washer and dryer so that I could snag the little monster.
We took the kitten home and in a cage made for a Grate Dane I set up a litter box, food, water and some towels. The poor little scrap sat in the corner of the litter box scared out of her mind mewling pitifully. When my dad who I lived with at the time came in and saw the kitten he declared I had to take her right to the pound! To which I replied "Look at her she the ugliest kitten ever no one will want her they will put her to sleep!" Dad being a big softy in his own right reluctantly allowed me to keep her but I think that is just because he didn't expect her to survive through the night!
Then I called up my Dads mother, my grandmother, who was out doing her shopping and asked her to pick me up a few cans of wet food for the kitten. When she got to the house she had 30+ cans of wet food and upon seeing the kitten declared. "That is the ugliest kitten I have ever seen" At this point monster had pooped all over herself and was sitting in her poop making small terrified noises.
So I opened up a new can of wet food put it in the cage for her and left the door open so if she wanted to come out she could and went to bed. Some time in the night I am not sure exactly when I saw these big lamp like green eyes peek over the bed at me. I said "why your just a little Monster arent ya?" So she crawled up onto the bed and curled up next to me purring and I said "Aww thats so cute wait your covered in poop" One sink bath later and a friendship was born!
Monster after her fourth bath
Happy cat right here! Monster and her buddy smoke!
And finally Monster today my buddy in everything I do including writing this! 

I'm back!

After a short stint in the hospital I am back with a vengeance! Expect longer and more detailed posts. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Going away

I am going into the hospital for my mental health I will be back in a week or two thank you to everyone for reading

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Maja and the crate

All my dogs have been crate trained. From my first dog, freckles the beagle to my poodle Sammy the rainbow dog, and Coco bean will be no exception she will be crate trained like all the others. Now her mother Maja was crate trained rather poorly but crate trained never the less. So when I bought a crate for Coco, Maja naturally assumed it was for her! I put a blanket in the crate and Maja walked right in and laid down happy as a bug in a rug. Its even funnier because I accidentally bought an over sized crate for Coco so Maja looks tiny in this huge crate. I am glad Maja is spending so much time in the crate because it will smell like her and hopefully help the transition to the crate for Coco!

Puppy eyes open!

The beans turned two weeks old on Saturday!
11/2/2018 Coco is the first puppy to open her eyes! I was checking on the puppys and I thought something was wrong with Coco because she was tossing her head from side to side so I picked her up and saw that her eyes where open and she was just looking at the big wide world! I cant quite tell what color her eyes are but they look brown or amber!
11/3/2018 Vanilla opened her eyes sometime in the night. It looks like she has blue eyes! 
Then Lima bean opened his eyes a few hours later and it looks like he has blue eyes too! 
Then at about 2pm today Pinto opened his eyes he was so squirmy that we had trouble getting a picture! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Husky ears

Since Majas puppies are not a hundred percent husky (They are actually seventy five percent husky twenty five percent lab) I was beginning to wonder if they would have the floppy ears of their dad or the straight ears of their mom. So I did some research and apparently huskies ears don't become straight until between four to six weeks. So their still is a chance that the beans will look like huskies and not adorable puppy mutts! Anyways I know this post was boring so here are some cute puppy pictures.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Puppy Update

A LOT has happened over the weekend with the puppies. Friday night Coco decided to surprise and be the first of the puppies to open her eyes and see the big wide world around her. The other puppies followed her on Saturday in the order of Vanilla, Lima and then Pinto! All three of the white ones have blues eyes while Coco looks to have brown eyes but I cant be sure on Cocos eyes because she does not open them very wide. Then on Sunday Coco and Pinto started walking on very shaky legs but walking never the less. They all now seem to be walking with some trial and error they seem walking a few steps before falling. I must say the Jelly leg walk is very very cute. I will be posting a video on youtube before long.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Social Media (bonus post)

So I noticed that many of you might not know my other social media accounts with which to keep up with all the puppies and monster so I have deiced to make that right through a bonus post!
Facebook page for Maja and the beans!
Monsters Facebook page!
Amazon wishlist!
So these are all the social media that I use and ways you can lend your support to us and the animals thank you all so much for reading and have a wonderful day!
Heres a puppy picture!

Friday, November 2, 2018

New Domain

This is the new domain of the blog it was suppose to be motleysblog but apparently I have to have something in front of it with a dot in between in it so now its so yeah we have our domain but its still has a dot in it. So yay and nay! Anyways thank you for reading I hope you have a wonderful day look forward to puppy post on Monday!

Weird Idea that I would love to try.

I would love to open a tiny house village that is also an animal rescue. I would have horses and goats and pigs and dogs. People could come and stay in the tiny houses interact with the animals maybe go on a horse back ride while staying in some tiny houses or possibly rvs. I would have event like cook outs and marshmallow roast and in the winter have a horse drawn sleigh rides. I would love to have it on lakes and having fishing then a fish fry. I would prefer it all to be tiny houses but I assume in the beginning I know I might have to have some rvs till I can save up enough for all the tiny houses. Maybe I can even have tiny house parking where if you have your own tiny house you can come and park and stay. I dunno this might seem like a silly idea to most but its one of my ideas that I love to day dream about!
Photo copywrite Zyl Vardos Tiny houses

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Messy Eaters

Maja and Monster have something common that drives me nuts. They are both very messy eaters. Maja cant eat her food unless she takes it out of her bowl. This inculds the messy treats that we give her like rice or chicken or anything with gravy. I have tried feeding her on the lament floors to reduce the mess but she will drag her bowl over to the carpet to eat or if we feed her wet food in one of those plastic little dishes she will pick it up and carry it over to the carpet. I try not to get mad at her but this drives me nuts and now her food is on my rug which is easy to clean and she takes it to the carpet that I dont have an easy time cleaning. I swear she is doing it just so she can laugh at me cleaning it up. Now Monster on the other hand likes to stick her paw in her wet food to eat it and then she flings her wet food off her paw once she has licked all the gravy off resulting in her wet food being on the walls. I think I would rather have her take the dry food to the carpet rather than splatter my walls with wet food.
Anyone else have these troubles with their pets? How did you solve the issue? Is it a solvable issue?

Does anyone else do this?

My roommate has been trying to impress on me not to play the shoulda, woulda, coulda game. For those of you that dont know what that is basi...